Lavender Essential Oil

Price : RM88.00 (10ml)

Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil

Lavender has a delicate, fresh sweet smell that is floral, herbal, and evergreen woodsy at the same time

Can be added in moisturizer, toner & bathing products to gain the Lavender aromatic fragrance for a soothing and refreshing skincare

Promotes relaxation, helps relief depression, anxiety, stress and improves good sleep

Lavender with a few drops of Tea Tree or Eucalyptus Oil for a soothing and refreshing ambience

1) Dilute with Carrier Oil for aroma massage and for any skin application. 

2) Dilute with water for Diffuser usage

In a cool, dry place and dark area in tightly closed bottle

For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use directly on skin undiluted. Keep out of reach of children and pregnant women. Ensure to check with doctor if you have sensitive skin, allergies, medical condition or any concerns before usage.